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Unbelievable Facts Of The Day:

There are millions of things you don't know about the world. As human beings it is our job to keep educating ourselves and become better people.
It is impossible to know everything , but the least you can do is try your best. Here is a collection of amazing facts And Unbelievable Facts (which may or may not be accurately represented) that you May not know 

In This podcast section we are going to write some unbelievable facts as series wise. So lets enjoy and keep every second exiting while learning..

  1. 72% of people in Mali earn less than $1 per day

  2. Thinking of becoming a teacher? Head to Switzerland. Teaching salaries there start at $US 33,000.

  3. Kids in Mali spend only 2 years in school. More than half of them start working between the ages of 10 and 14.

  4. Teachers make up 7.8 percent of Iceland’s labor force - and they only have to teach 38 weeks per year.

  5. Central European men don’t teach. In Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia, over 75 percent of lower secondary teachers are female.

  6. Qataris have lots and lots of gas.

  7. Japan has 53 working nuclear reactors and is planning to build another 12.

  8. The top 10 countries for electricity generation using a nuclear energy source are all in Europe.

  9. Almost half of Ecuador is subject to environmental protection.

  10. Japan's water has a very high dissolved oxygen concentration - but not enough to prevent drowning in the bath.

  11. The total area of Australia’s coral reefs is greater than the total area of any of 130 individual countries, including Slovakia, the Dominican Republic, Kuwait, Singapore, and Rwanda.

  12. There are more known reptile species in Australia than in all other listed countries combined.

  13. The United States has the world's highest number of McDonald’s restaurants per capita. Americans also die of obesity more often than any other nation, with more deaths than Mexico, Germany, Spain, Austria and Canada combined.

  14. Norwegians drink 10.7 kilograms of coffee per person each year. They also lead the globe in anxiety disorders. Maybe it’s time to switch to herbal tea.

  15. Americans consume the sixth-most spirits, the eighth-most beer and the 18th-most wine. They’re also likely to view heavy drinkers as undesirable neighbors.

  16. Norwegians consume more than 15 times as much coffee per person as the Irish.

  17. The average person in the United Kingdom drinks as much tea as 23 Italians.

  18. Guinea has the wettest capital on Earth, with 3.7 metres of rain a year.

  19. Clipperton Island wins our prize for the most unusual looking country.

  20. Only two countries in the world are doubly landlocked: Liechtenstein and Uzbekistan.

  21. Sick of crowds? Move to Greenland! Greenlanders have 38 square kilometres of land per person.


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